Digital resources of Ossolinski National Institute, created by process of scanning Ossolineum Collections and collections of the other institutions, with copyrighted digital version owned by The Institute
Journals from V.Stefanyk Lviv Scientyfic Library of the National Academy of…
Manuscripts from V.Stefanyk Lviv Scientyfic Library of the National Academy of…
Bałaban, Majer (1877-1942?)
Starowolski, Szymon (1588-1656) Brzeski, Aleksander (1593-1650). Adresat dedykacji
Damhouder, Joost de (1507-1581)
Hulsius, Levinus (1550?-1606) Veer, Gerrit de Schmidel, Ulrich (1510-1579) Hamor, Ralph ( -1629) Hondius, Jodocus (1563-1612). Ilustrator Bry, Johann Israel de (około 1565-1609). Ilustrator Raleigh, Walter (1552-1618) Magalhães, Fernão de (1480-1521) Drake, Francis (1540-1596) Cavendish, Thomas (1560-1592) Noort, Olivier van (1558-1627) Verck, Jan Arthus, Gotthard (1570-1630) Hudson, Henry (1550-1611)
Liger, Louis (1658-1717) Besnier Henricus (16..-17..). Wydawca
Livius, Titus Patavinus (59 a.C.-17 p.C.) Florus, Lucius Annaeus (ca 100-ca 200) Müntzer, Zacharias. Tłumaczenie
Bruno, Gabriele ( -1508?). Opracowanie
Schott, Kaspar (1608-1666)
Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612)
Szczerbic, Paweł (1552-1609)
Niemojewski, Jakub (ca 1532-1584) Myszkowski, Stanisław ( -1570). Adresat dedykacji