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Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "The TOPSIS method \(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity Ideal Solu\-tion\) suggested by Hwang and Yoon \[1981\], belongs to the group of pattern linear ordering methods of multidimensional objects. A characteristic feature of this method is a way to evaluate a synthetic criterion’s values, which takes into consideration the distance of an evaluated object from a positive\-ideal solution as well as from a negative\-ideal solution. The fuzzy TOPSIS method enables the linear ordering of objects described through linguistic variables, whose values are expressed in the form of triangular fuzzy numbers. In this arti\-cle, a way of synthetic measurement estimation in environment R was presented, according to the assumptions of the fuzzy TOPSIS method proposed by Chen \[2000\]. Scripts, which are included in the article make the accomplishment of this particular method’s stages possible"]

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