@misc{Puślecki_Zdzisław_W._The_2016, author={Puślecki, Zdzisław W.}, identifier={DOI: 10.15611/e21.2016.3.17}, year={2016}, rights={Pewne prawa zastrzeżone na rzecz Autorów i Wydawcy}, description={Ekonomia XXI Wieku = Economics of the 21st Century, 2016, Nr 3 (11), s. 208-227}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu}, language={eng}, abstract={The main aim of the article is the indication of the impact of the rise of global supply chains on the foreign trade policy. The subject of the discussion and theoretical contribution in the undertaken research program are new tendencies in international business − the rise of global supply chains, the impact of the rise of global supply chains on the political economy of trade and countries motivations for cooperating on trade policies and the rise of global supply chains and increasing importance of bilateral agreements in the foreign trade policy. It is important to underline that a few multinational firms are responsible for a major share of world trade and for the rise of global supply chains. On the one hand, these firms should support regulatory harmonization across different Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) in order to lower trade costs. On the other hand, they might also resist harmonization – and encourage certain non-tariff measures – in order to prevent new competitors from entering markets. This may partly explain the persistence of regulatory divergence, and suggests that the political economy of regulatory convergence, especially in the conditions of the rise of global supply chains, may be more complex than is sometimes suggested}, title={The impact of the rise of global supply chains on the foreign trade policy}, type={artykuł}, keywords={foreign trade policy, global supply chains, anti-protectionist forces, cooperating on trade policies, multilateral trade negotiations, bilateral trade policy, polityka handlu międzynarodowego, światowe łańcuchy dostaw, siły antyprotekcjonistyczne, współpraca w polityce handlowej, wielostronne negocjacje handlowe, bilateralna polityka handlowa}, }