@misc{Filio-Aguilar_Pedro-David_Simultaneous_2022, author={Filio-Aguilar, Pedro-David and López-García, Lourdes and Rueda-Paz, Juvenal and Ávila-Aoki, Manuel}, contributor={Urbańczyk, Wacław. Redakcja}, identifier={DOI: 10.37190/oa220404}, year={2022}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej}, description={Optica Applicata, Vol. 52, 2022, nr 4, s. 521-533}, description={Optica Applicata is an international journal, published in a non-periodical form in the years 1971-1973 and quarterly since 1973. From the beginning of the year 2008, Optica Applicata is an Open Access journal available online via the Internet, with free access to the full text of articles serving the best interests of the scientific community. The journal is abstracted and indexed in: Chemical Abstracts, Compendex, Current Contents, Inspec, Referativnyj Zhurnal, SCI Expanded, Scopus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory}, description={http://opticaapplicata.pwr.edu.pl/}, language={eng}, abstract={One of the most important sources of errors in digital fringe projection (DFP) systems is the nonlinearity in the response of the projector when it uses the three-step phase retrieval algorithm. Thus, it is necessary to increase the accuracy without affecting the efficiency. In this sense, the radiometric rectification methods are used. In this paper, an active radiometric rectification method for digital fringe projection is proposed. This proposal consists in two improvements of traditional active techniques: first, parallel intensity projection is used to obtain the projector response which requires only four dot patterns; and second, a method is provided for the calculation of the inverse polynomial that guarantees symmetry with respect to the response of the projector. Experimental results, in a digital fringe projection system, show that the root-mean-square phase error improves 6.3 times using this proposal.}, type={artykuł}, title={Simultaneous intensity projection for projector response computation with application to an active radiometric calibration}, keywords={optyka, 3D imaging, phase retrieval, digital fringe projection, camera-projector compensation}, }