@misc{Adamowicz_Mieczysław_Produkty_2005, author={Adamowicz, Mieczysław}, year={2005}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu}, description={Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu; 2005; nr 1070, t. 1, s. 17-24}, language={pol}, abstract={Along with the better supply of food and with increasing level of life, the new food preferences and the new food segments appear. One of such new segments is the low energy "light" food. The aim of the paper is to define these types of food and analyze the factors of increasing demand for it. Legal aspects of "light" food and methods of decreasing the energy contents are presented. The scale of low energy food products in the market activity of ANGO firm on Polish food market as well as consumer attitudes to "light" food are analysed.}, type={artykuł}, title={Produkty niskoenergetyczne - nowy segment rynku żywnościowego}, }