@misc{Gryszel_Piotr_The_2024, author={Gryszel, Piotr and Zaremba-Warnke, Sabina}, contributor={Drelich-Skulska, Bogusława. Redakcja and Sobocińska, Magdalena. Redakcja and Tomášková, Andrea. Redakcja}, identifier={DOI: 10.15611/2024.92.5.03}, year={2024}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, publisher={Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business}, description={Gryszel, P. & Zaremba-Warnke, S. (2024). The Role of the Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Nisa in the Implementation of Sustainable Development. In B. Drelich-Skulska, M. Sobocińska, & A. Tomášková (Eds.), The Importance of Universities for Society and Economy. The Experience of Researchers from the Visegrád Group (pp. 49-58). Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.}, language={eng}, abstract={The purpose of the chapter is to characterise the Academic Coordination Centre (ACC) in the Euroregion Nisa and its role in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The chapter presents a unique initiative taken up by higher education institutions, i.e. the association of universities from Poland, Czechia and Germany, which have been operating in the Euroregion Nisa since 1992, and describes selected activities carried out by the ACC contributing to the implementation of sustainable development (among others cross-border projects focused on sustainable development, ACC Forum and the annual Young Scientists Conference of the ACC).}, type={rozdział}, title={The Role of the Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Nisa in the Implementation of Sustainable Development}, keywords={Sustainable Development Goals, education for sustainable development, higher education institutions, Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Nisa}, }