@misc{Jedlińska_Maja_Euroregion_2005, author={Jedlińska, Maja and Michalska-Dudek, Izabela}, year={2005}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu; 2005; nr 1067, s. 93-108}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu}, language={pol}, abstract={In a democratic system the social role of grass-root initiatives is widely perceived. They are of practical nature, well organised and the means obtained with great effort are not wasted. Such social climate is also favourable for broadening the local tourist product. Various folk-type events are organised, as well as recreational or sport ones, the surrounding areas are taken greater care of, both their image and the state of natural environment is improved. Tourism plays the most important role in the Neisse-Nisa-Nysa Euroregion. The development and success of activities conducted within this framework depends also on their social acceptance. The hereby study presents the level of knowledge on Euroregion represented by the local leaders. The carried out surveys point, on one hand, to their favourable attitude towards cross-border cooperation, and on the other, to a reserved standpoint towards both promotion of the Euroregional ideas and the scale of conducted activities.}, title={Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa w percepcji liderów społeczności lokalnych}, type={artykuł}, }